July 1st, 2024: Proposal submission deadlineJuly 8th, 2024: Notification of acceptanceJuly 19th, 2024: Camera-ready paper August 05th, 2024: Camera-ready paper July 19th, 2024: Copyright submission deadlineAugust 05th, 2024: Copyright submission deadline
SVR 2024 Chairs

Arlindo Rodrigues Galvão Filho

Fatima L. S. Nunes

Jean Felipe Patikowski Cheiran
01/10/2024 – das 14h às 15h
“From Virtual Reality to Digital Twins: The Long and Winding Road!”
Painelistas: Alexandre Cardoso (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia), Alexandre Gomes de Siqueira (University of Florida – USA), Ismar Frango Silveira (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie)
Mediadora: Valéria Farinazzo Martins (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie)
02/10/2024 – das 14h às 15h
“Tecnologias Imersivas: desafios do design inclusivo em tempos de perigos naturais e alterações climáticas”
Painelistas: Daniela Cardoso Tavares (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Mauro Ricardo da S. Teófilo (SIDIA Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia), Renan Luigi M. Guarese (Royal Institute of Technology – Sweden)
Mediador: Jean Felipe P. Cheiran (Universidade Federal do Pampa)
02/10/2024 – das 16h às 17h (slot 3)
“A Revolução da IA Generativa em Tecnologias Imersivas”
Painelistas: Alexandre Gomes de Siqueira (University of Florida – USA), Arlindo Rodrigues Galvão Filho (AKCIT, Universidade Federal de Goiás), Ingrid Winkler (AKCIT, Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC)
Mediador: Rodrigo Zempulski Fanucchi (AKCIT, Universidade Federal de Goiás)
Call for Panels’ Proposals
The Panels are a space for specialists to discuss current and relevant topics related to research, development, industry, innovation, ethics, technologies, and others in the Virtual and Augmented Reality field. They usually focus on a broader, multidisciplinary approach to be discussed by the XR community. In this current edition, aspects related to natural hazards and climate change associated with extended reality environments are also interesting to the Panels.
Panelists are expected to attend SVR in person. In exceptional cases, it is possible to have at most one online panelist during the Panel (the Conference staff will project the panelist image and sound during the Panel).
It is highly recommended that each Panel consists of academia and industry specialists to offer a broad range of viewpoints on the subject.
Authors of the accepted proposals MUST also submit a short paper on the Panel’s subject (3 to 5 pages including references) in English or Portuguese to be published in the Extended Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality in the SBC OpenLib (SOL), a digital library maintained by the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC): The submission of the paper is mandatory for authors to convene the Panels. At least one of the authors must register in the symposium.
July 1st, 2024: Proposal submission deadlineJuly 8th, 2024: Notification of acceptanceJuly 19th, 2024: Camera-ready paper- August 05th, 2024: Camera-ready paper
July 19th, 2024: Copyright submission deadline- August 05th, 2024: Copyright submission deadline
Submission of Panel Proposals
Panels’ structure:
- Proposals can be written in Portuguese or English.
- The proposal must also detail the language of the presentation on the Panel.
- Each panel is one hour long.
- Suggested format for each Panel: It comprises a moderator and two or more participants. Each panelist makes an initial time for presentation, defined by the proponents according to the number of participants. The total time of all presentations must be 40 minutes, followed by a 20-minute discussion with the audience. Other formats could also be accepted (i.e., moderator-curated Questions and Answers, Workshops, etc.) if the one hour is respected and it provides at least 20 minutes for discussion with the audience.
The initial proposal text (1 – 3 pages) must present the main description, including:
- Panel Title (enabling easy identification of the content).
- Authors’ names and last names with their institutional affiliation (authors may be any of the panel participants – moderator or panelists)
- Abstract: the text must include the motivation, the justification of the importance of the subject, and objectives (300 – 500 words).
- Biographies of the moderator and panelists.
- Panel format: If the Panel uses the standard format or another (please describe the alternative format).
Please access the JEMS System and choose the “SVR 2024 – Panels” category to submit your proposal.
Proposals will be evaluated by relevance, novelty, originality, impact, participants’ experience, and quality of the content. Also, proposals on themes presented in Panels of previous SVR editions are discouraged.
Camera-Ready Submission Requirements for Accepted Panels
Authors MUST submit a short paper (3 – 5 pages including references) in English or Portuguese following the ACM SIG Proceedings template. This submission is mandatory for authors to convene the Panels.
Among the various ACM paper templates, make sure that you use the “SigConf” version, i.e., use “sample-sigconf.tex” if you use LaTeX or “Interim layout.docx” if you use MS Word for preparing your manuscript. The ACM LaTeX template is also available on the Overleaf platform. The final version of the paper will be submitted along with the SBC Copyright Form. There is also a Portuguese version of the SBC Copyright Form, but it is unnecessary to sign both. Authors must choose between one of the two, no matter the language in which the paper was written.
The short paper will be published in the Extended Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality in the SBC OpenLib (SOL), a digital library maintained by the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC):
Panel Chairs
Arlindo Rodrigues Galvão Filho (UFG – Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brazil)
Fatima L. S. Nunes Marques (USP – Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
Jean Felipe Patikowski Cheiran (UNIPAMPA – Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brazil)