Presentation Preparation
Presentation Preparation: slides and posters
This year, we are adopting some accessibility principles for our event.
At the beginning of the paper presentation, the author must provide a self-description.
Slides must follow the guidelines presented next:
– Highlight words in the texts on the slides with underlining and not just with different colors.
– Do not use Serif fonts. Use Arial, Verdana or Calibri instead.
– In line graphs, use markers on the lines (Figure 1).

Figure 1: An example of inline graphs
Source: PEREIRA, Thiovane. Guia de acessibilidade cromática para daltonismo: Princípios para profissionais da indústria criativa. Santa Maria: 2021. 31 p.
– Describe the figures and graphs in the slides or during oral presentation.
– In bar graphs use textures and geometric patterns (Figure 2).

Figure 2: An example of graphs with geometric patterns
Source: PEREIRA, Thiovane. Guia de acessibilidade cromática para daltonismo: Princípios para profissionais da indústria criativa. Santa Maria: 2021. 31 p.
– For posters, use one of the top bar patterns presented in the slide template and consider the size 0.90 x 1.20 m.
– Oral presentation: full papers have 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions; short papers have 8 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for questions; journal papers have 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions.