August 1st, 2024: Two-pages abstract and video submissionAugust 10th, 2024: Two-pages abstract and video submission (final deadline)
August 25th, 2024: Acceptance notification
September 10th, 2024: Camera-ready and Copyright Submission
Call for XR Experience
SVR2024 invites you to share your innovative and real-time technology in a session of XR Experience.
XR Experience comprehends eXtended interactions into virtual, augmented or mixed realities. Such experiences can include applications in different areas such as marketing, education, entertainment, health, cinema, industry 4.0 and so on. For XR Experience submission, the authors should identify what kind of equipment is necessary for the user to feel the best and complete virtual/augmented experience. Premiere and innovative pieces will be showcased throughout the SVR conference venue.
Thus, you are invited to submit your XR Experience, academic or industrial projects that are advancing technology and challenge users to think beyond the usual.
The SVR2024, jointly with SBGames2024 and Sibgrapi2024 events, count with approximately 900 participants from all parts of Brazil and many countries around the world. Therefore, this is a great opportunity for researchers, practitioners and companies to present their virtual, augmented or mixed reality applications, techniques, experiments and interactive devices through the event so they can increase their network.
Your work can be awarded a Best Demo Award during the conference.
How to submit your XR Experience
All authors will submit a two-page abstract describing their demo together with a video demonstrating how it works. Accepted abstracts will be published in specific sessions of the conference proceedings for XR Experience. During the event, the authors are expected to present an interactive demonstration and it is worth suggesting bringing with you all equipment needed for that.
The abstract and the video must be sent through the JEMS system, using the track SVR 2024 – XR Experience. The video should be on 1920×1080 or 1280×720 resolution, limited to 2 minutes and 400 megaBIT.
Demos can be submitted in English (preferable) or in Portuguese.
The text must follow the same template used for the full papers’ submission, including:
Title: Written in capital letters, bold and centered, should be clear and concise, enabling easy identification of the content. Authors: Name(s) and last name(s) of the author(s), with their institutional affiliation. Summary: The text must necessarily explain the objective(s), main procedures adopted, and most significant results. Introduction: Contextualize the work to justify its importance. Objective: Elucidate the research or work purposes. Materials and Methods: Measurement units and symbols should follow the international system, 3D modelers, game and animation engines should be elucidated. Conclusions: In the discussion, present the gain obtained. Thanks: If eligible, after the conclusions. References: If eligible, should only include those mentioned in the text, appearing in alphabetical order and the authors in capital letters.
Please access the JEMS system and choose the XR Experience category to submit your contribution.
Camera-ready of XR Experience Submissions
The final version of your two-page abstract must be submitted with the SBC Copyright Form. Authors should submit the Copyright Form through JEMS. The template has the Copyright Form written in English and in Portuguese. It is not necessary to sign both. Authors must choose between one of the two no matter the language in which the draft was written.
Guidelines for the On-site XR Experience
At least one of the authors must be registered in the conference to present your interactive experience on-site. The event will offer a space for each XR Experience, but the author is responsible for the equipment needed for the demo including its guard.
During the event, each presenter is expected to be at the XR Experience site during coffee breaks to increase the opportunities for discussion. We emphasize that there is no financial support to cover expenses with the XR Experience activities.
No-Show and No-Registration Policy
No-show experience is defined as accepted experiences submitted by authors who did not present the experience at the technical meeting. Each experience must have at least one registered author with a Paper Registration Fee. Otherwise, the experience is considered a no-registration. No-show and no-registration experiences will not be able to compete for the XR Xperience Award.
- August 1st, 2024: Two-pages abstract and video submission
- August 10th, 2024: Two-pages abstract and video submission (final deadline)
- August 25th, 2024: Acceptance notification
- September 10th, 2024: Camera-ready and Copyright Submission
Have more questions?
Reach us at:
Creto Augusto Vidal (UFC – Federal University of Ceará, Brazil)
Thiago Malheiros Porcino (PUC-RJ – Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
SVR 2024 Chairs

Creto Augusto Vidal